NPPs Reaction To Mills' State Of The Nation Address

The opposition New Patriotic Party (NPP) has reacted to President John Evans Atta Mills' Fourth State of the Nation Address saying the party is not surprised the President gave the country a clean bill of health and also said the economy is "full of promise". President Mills told the lawmaking body during his State of the Nation address, the last of his first term before Ghana heads to the December polls to either renew his mandate or revoke it, that the country was �stable and in reasonable good health' while the 'economy' to him was �full of promises�. Themed: �Still Building a Better Ghana�, President Mills said under his watch, the economy made substantial progress with the country recording unprecedented growth rate in the annals of the nation�s history "with a provisional growth rate approaching 14%." But National Chairman of the NPP, Jake Otanka Obetsebi-Lamptey says it comes as no surprise to the NPP to hear these remarks from a President who opts to stand idly by whiles his appointees flout his orders. Speaking in an interview on Citi FM, the NPP National Chair said; �i am not surprised that he said he is managing the economy well. This is a president who said, don�t pay yet they go ahead to pay; then he takes no action against them�so for him definitely the state of the nation will be acceptable�,� he said. His statement was in apparent reference to the GH�51 million judgment debt paid to Alfred Agbesi Woyome and the revelation by the Head of the Economic and Organised Crime Office (EOCO), Mortey Akpadzi that President Mills intervened on two occasions to stop the payment of monies to the embattled NDC bankroller.