Nobody Can Cancel Free SHS - Kabila

James Kwabena Bomfeh, popularly called Kabila, says there is no Ghanaian leader who can repeal the free Senior High School policy by the Akufo-Addo administration.

He noted that the free SHS has benefited more Ghanaians and that "that scenario that someone is going to try to cancel it won't happen".

He made these comments on Peace FM's 'Kokrokoo' morning show regarding a supposed free SHS bill to be laid before Parliament.

To Kabila, "whether there is a bill or no bill, free SHS has come to stay. There is nobody in Ghana today, man or woman, who can cancel it".

He recounted a testimony by a taxi driver concerning this policy saying the driver intimated that due to the free SHS, his child is the "first to enter University working towards a graduate degree".