Korle Bu Receives Cheque from Groupe Sebastien to Support Treatment of 13-year-old Boy With Wilson's Disease

The Department of Child Health at the Korle Bu Teaching Hospital (KBTH) has received a generous donation of GH₵10,800.00 from Groupe Sebastien to aid in the treatment of a 13-year-old boy diagnosed with Wilson’s disease, a rare and potentially fatal genetic disorder.

Wilson’s disease, characterized by excessive copper accumulation in the body, can severely impact the liver, brain, eyes, and other organs if left untreated. This disease, though rare with an occurrence of about 1 in 30,000 in developed countries, has presented a significant challenge in Ghana, where this case is one of the first recorded. The boy’s condition was initially noticed by his mother due to a decline in his handwriting quality.

Following a series of diagnostic tests, the Neuro-Developmental Clinic at KBTH confirmed the diagnosis. According to the medical team, while Wilson's disease is manageable with medication, the financial burden is considerable. The boy requires monthly medication costing approximately GH₵450 to maintain his health.

Prof. Ebenezer Vincent Badoe, Head of the Department of Child Health, expressed profound gratitude to Groupe Sebastian for their timely donation. He assured that the funds will be utilized to ensure the boy receives the best possible care and noted that the boy has already shown improvement since beginning treatment. 

"This donation is a significant opportunity for us to enhance the quality of care for this child and support his journey to a healthier life," Prof. Badoe stated.

Groupe Sebastian’s donation was motivated by the touching story of the boy and the urgent need for financial support. Mrs. Femi Asante, founder of Groupe Sebastian, highlighted the importance of community support in such critical health cases. She also extended additional support to the family with a cheque of GH₵10,000.00 to help the boy’s mother, Mrs. Faustina Worwornyo, start a business to sustain the child's future care needs.

Mrs. Worwornyo expressed heartfelt thanks to Groupe Sebastian and KBTH’s management, appreciating the significant progress in her son's treatment due to their support.

This initiative by Groupe Sebastian underscores the importance of community and corporate responsibility in providing vital health care support and hope for families dealing with rare medical conditions.