Ghana Hajj Board Organizes Special Prayers For Ghana and Her Leadership At Holy Site

The Ghana Hajj Board, on Saturday, June 15, organized special prayers for Ghana and the county's leadership in Arafat, Mecca, in Saudi Arabia.

Arafat is a sacred valley in Saudi Arabia where Prophet Mohammed delivered his last sermon centuries ago and Muslims performing the Hajj pilgrimage undertake the most important ritual of the Hajj on the 9th day of the Islamic calendar by congregating on the mountain and on the plane of the mountain to pray to Allah.

On this year's Arafat Day which fell on Saturday, the Ghana Hajj Board led by its Chairman, Ben Abdullah Banda, organized a special prayer session for the country as Ghanaian pilgrims joined tens of thousands of Muslims around the world to pray to Allah.

Ghanaian Islamic scholars who were present led the prayers which begun with a recitation of the Holy Quran in full.

After the recitation of the Quran, various prayers were said for the country, the President and the entire leadership of the country.

Special prayer requests were made for Vice President and flagbearer of the NPP, Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia, for success in his bid to be President of Ghana at the polls in December.