Let's Be Open To Constructive Criticisms For National Development - Afenyo-Markin

The Majority Leader in Parliament, Alexander Afenyo-Markin says politicians and public officeholders should be receptive towards media reports that offer balanced and constructive views.

To him, such criticisms enable duty bearers and officeholders to easily identify aspects of society that require urgent attention for the appropriate actions to be taken for national development.

Mr Afenyo-Markin stressed that being hostile towards media reports just because they may not favour a certain thinking, even when such reports are accurate, was detrimental to Ghana’s developmental agenda and socioeconomic growth.

To buttress his point, he recalled a scathing news report from a media outlet concerning a Community-based Health Planning and Services (CHPS) within the Effutu constituency, which was in a deplorable state and the bad state of the roads surrounding it.

The Majority Leader in Parliament said the news report allowed him to take immediate steps to renovate the faculty and provide life-saving equipment which ultimately boosted the delivery of healthcare within the area.

Mr Afenyo-Markin intimated that without that news item, he would have been unable to make such a significant impact.

He made these remarks on Wednesday [June 12, 2024] when he paid a courtesy call on the management of Graphic Communications Group Ltd (GCGL) in Accra.