Cecilia Dapaah’s Stolen Cash: Lawyers for Ex-Househelp File Motion to Procure Documents From OSP

Lawyers defending Patience Botwe, a former househelp of Cecilia Dapaah, the former Sanitation Minister have filed a motion at the High Court in Accra to procure some documents at the office of the Special Prosecutor.

The documents according to the lawyers is to aid them in their cross examination of Daniel Osei Kuffour, the first Prosecution witness and other witnesses in the matter.

This came to light when the case was called today for the lawyers to further cross examine Daniel Osei Kuffour, husband of the former Minister.

“We filed a motion (on Wednesday, June 12) with a return date of June 27 for an order of this honorable court to procure documents from the Office of the Special Prosecutor to enable us to effectively cross-examine the current witness as well as others listed in this matter.

“We, therefore, humbly pray for the Honorable Court to indulge us with an adjournment to enable us to deal with the motion and procure the documents,” Kormivi Dzotsi, Counsel for Patience Botwe told the court.

The Presiding Judge, Justice Marie-Louise Simmons after listening to the submission of lawyer Kormivi Dzotsi indicated that, the court will consider whether lawyers for the other accused persons will cross examine the first witness whiles lawyers for Patience Botwe persue their documents at the OSP's office.

“I have listened to the submissions made by Counsel for A1 (First Accused- Patience Botwe) and knowing that he is still conducting cross-examination of PW1 (Daniel Osei Kufuor), I will oblige him the date.

“In order not to waste the date of this trial, the court will consider whether cross-examination can be conducted by other Counsel while waiting for A1’s (Patience Botwe) Counsel to procure whatever documents he needs to conduct a further cross-examination.”

Patience Botwe, Benjamin Sowah, together with Malik Dauda, Sarah Agyei, Christiana Achab, Job Pomary, and Yahaya Sumaila are standing trial at the Criminal Division of the High Court in Accra for their alleged roles in stolen monies and items worth millions of cedis at the Ex-Minister's Abelemkpe residence.

They have all pleaded not guilty to the various charges pressed against them, ranging from Conspiracy to steal, stealing, dishonestly receiving, and money laundering.

Despite being granted bail on November 10 2023, they are still in lawful custody following their failure to execute their respective bails.

The case has been adjourned to June 18.