No One's Ambition Will Be Allowed to Compromise the Nation's Peace and Security - Akufo-Addo tells Politicians

The President and the Commander-in-Chief of the Ghana Armed Forces, President Nana Akufo-Addo has reiterated his unflinching belief in the rule of law, stating that any politician who breaches the constitution will be dealt with within the confines of law.

According to President Nana Akufo-Addo, he will ensure that any political party or presidential candidate who decides to go against the tenets of the constitution ahead of the December elections will face the appropriate consequences.

President Akufo-Addo made this assertion at the official unveiling of The Law House in Accra on Monday, June 10. This landmark occasion signifies the culmination of a vision that began over two decades ago during President Akufo-Addo’s tenure as Attorney-General in the government headed by former President John Agyekum Kufour, the second President of the fourth republic.

President Akufo-Addo recalled how the vision for the Law House was conceived during his tenure as Attorney-General and expressed his greatest satisfaction in seeing his vision transformed into a tangible reality under his presidency.

He said, “Today is a day of great pride and accomplishment,” he declared. “This building stands as a testament to our government’s commitment to addressing the long-standing office accommodation challenges faced by the Attorney-General's Office and the Ministry of Justice.”

President Akufo-Addo assured Ghanaians that in his tenure as president, he will not tolerate any legal violations by any political party or its presidential candidate.

He reaffirmed his commitment to upholding the rule of law and maintaining order in Ghana, especially as the country approaches the December polls.

President Akufo-Addo emphasised that the law will be applied consistently to ensure that the hard earned peace, security, and stability of the nation are not compromised by the ambitions of any political party or presidential candidate.

“I want to use the opportunity on this platform to reassure the Ghanaian people that a law enforcement agency of the state, including the office of the Attorney General, will do all within their power to ensure that law and order prevail in the country at all time, especially at this critical election year.”

He added, “We will not allow the peace, security and stability of the nation that makes Ghana a beacon on the African continent, to be compromised on the altar of the ambitions of any political party or presidential candidate. It will not happen.”

The President seized the opportunity to pay his special tribute to the Attorney General and minister of Justice, Godfred Yeboah Dame for the dedication and resilience displayed bin his field of work leading to the realization of the project.

 Akufo-Addo said, “His efforts ensured that this initiative, which could have easily ended up as another abandoned government project, was implemented to become the magnificent structure we celebrate today, ayekoo”.