Every Poll Prof. Smart Sarpong Conducts Is Accurate - Amansie South DCE 'Bites' NDC

District Chief Executive (DCE) for Amansie South District, Clement Opoku Gyamfi has asked critics of Prof. Smart Sarpong, a Senior Researcher, to desist from insulting him due to his latest opinion polls regarding winner of the impending December 7 elections.

Prof. Smart Sarpong's research study showed Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia, the flagbearer of the New Patriotic Party (NPP), leading the presidential candidate of the opposition National Democratic Congress, Ex-President John Dramani Mahama, in the polls.

In the poll which was conducted in real time with him and his team engaging the citizens vis-à-vis to solicit their candid opinions and decision-making in the choice of Ghana’s President in 2025 and with a total sample size of 59,547 voters, 23,432 eligible Ghanaians representing 38.9% said Dr Mahamudu Bawumia is their preferred candidate to become the country's next President.

Mr. John Dramani Mahama came second on the survey table by having 21,237 representing 36.1% willing to vote for him.

The other candidates fell short of the votes that will be any competitive to these two candidates, hence the survey indicated that only 2114 people noted they will vote for the other contestants.

However, 12763 of the sample size representing 21.4% were undecided about their choice of presidential candidate.

Joining Friday's "Kokrokoo" panel discussion programme on Peace FM, Clement Opoku Gyamfi, popularly referred to as "CID", justified the findings by Prof. Smart Sarpong, stressing he has on every occasion showed his "professional competence".

Hon. Opoku Gyamfi explained that the Professor, in all his submissions in media interviews and  research works, "places his professional competence first" and very careful not to discredit himself.

To CID, these current findings are accurate and this is because, to him, Prof. Sarpong's research surveys over the time have all proven to either be the same or close to the real results on the election day.

He alluded to his (Smart Sarpong) research during the New Patriotic Party's Regional executive elections which resulted in a massive victory for Bernard Antwi Boasiako alias Chairman Wontumi, the current Ashanti Regional Chairman of the party, who before then was predicted to lose the election until Prof. Smart Sarpong proved the critics wrong through his research which gave a 100% accuracy of the figures in the Regional elections.

"Every poll he has conducted has been accurate...This should not discourage Prof. Smart Sarpong," he told host Kwami Sefa Kayi.

Although the NPP flagbearer leads in these latest polls, CID says the party is not complacent, therefore will work on those who are undecided to get their votes.

"We are going to work on the 23.1% and add it to our results," he stated.

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