I Will Flee From Their Trap - AG Response To Accusations

The Attorney General and Minister for Justice, Godfred Yeboah Dame says he will flee from the trap of the opposition. His response was in reaction to recent allegations levelled against him in the ongoing Ambulance trial. 

The Attorney General in a brief statement to journalists after court sitting today, Tuesday, 4 June 2024, said the accused persons are resorting to tricks and entrapments essentially to delay the trial and to attack his integrity but it will not work.

“All I can say is that the Lord does not delight in the pleasure of the wicked and that even though they have laid traps for me, I will flee from them and righteousness will always prevail over evil,” the AG said.

The court presided over by Justice Afia Serwah Asare-Botwe a Justice of the Court of Appeal sitting as High Court judge has set Thursday, 6 June 2024 to give a ruling on four applications filed by the accused persons.

The applications include an order for a mistrial, a stay of proceedings, and an order for enquiry filed by Lawyers for the first accused Ato Forson. 
The other application is one asking the court to drop charges against the third accused, Richard Jakpa.

When the court Constituted today Tuesday, June 4, Justice Afia Serwaa Asare-Botwe enquired from the parties in the case whether or not they have all been served with filed processes before the court.

All the parties responded in the affirmative. The court subsequently indicated that it would rely on the processes filed to determine the applications before it. However, the court noted that it will take oral submissions on an objection raised by lawyer Thadeus Sory, lawyer representing for the 3rd accused person, Richard Jakpa.

Thaddeus Sory in his objection, indicated that his objection to the AG's affidavit in opposition filed on May 31 is on two grounds. His first objection was on the fact that the affidavit fails to disclose the source of the information in respect of the matters contained in the affidavit, specifically the matters relating to the third accused person's direct interaction with the Attorney General.

He futher argued that the deponent Richard Gyambibi, being a Principal State Attorney does not mean has personal knowledge of direct interactions that took place between the AG and the third accused. His objection was however opposed by the Attorney General, Godfred Yeboah Dame who held the view that, the objection is unfounded and without any merit. He contended that, how the objection has been raised defeats the requirement for fairness.

Godfred Yebaoh further argued that it is not accurate for Sory to say that the deponent did not disclose the source of information. Dame noted that Sory should file an affidavit in opposition to the fact that, he, the AG has only met the the accused at the House of a Supreme Court judge.

He continued his argument stating that, is also a matter of fact that, he has never replied to the text messages of the accused. The AG asked that Sory refute to the facts with an affidavit in opposition and not on point of law, maintaining that the objection is offensive, unfair and should not be countenanced by the court.

Justice Afia Serwah Asare-Botwe after listening to both parties adjourned sitting to Thursday, June 6 for a ruling on all four applications pending before the court.