Limited Registration Exercise: Demonizing EC Is Not Profitable for Anybody - Atik Replies Critics

Atik Mohammed has taken a swipe at the political parties and critics attacking the credibility of the Electoral Commission due to some errors and technical challenges that the Commission recorded in their current limited registration exercise.

The Electoral Commission (EC) computing figures for the second and third days of the registration exercise committed some blunders, causing them to be the target of political and public agitations.

Some political opponents have accused the EC of being in bed with the ruling New Patriotic Party and harboring the intent to rig the December 7 elections in favor of the governing party.

Contributing to a panel discussion on the limited registration exercise during Peace FM's "Kokrokoo" show, the former General Secretary of the People's National Convention, Atik Mohammed found these accusations ridiculous and baseless.

To him, there is no way the EC can rig the elections.

Atik cautioned the political actors against demonizing the EC stressing "demonizing the Electoral Commission is not profitable for anybody".

"If you tarnish the Electoral Commission, is it not the same referee to supervise the election?", he questioned.

To him, tarnishing the reputation of the Commission is dangerous for Ghana's democracy.

"If you destroy it (EC), remember you are threatening our democracy," he rebuked the critics.

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