There'll Be No Dumsor In Easter - Nana Akomea Assures

CEO of the State Transport Corporation (STC), Nana Akomea, has assured Ghanaians of an imminent end to the frequent power outages.

The Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG) is being pressured to release a load-shedding timetable due to frequent power outages. However, the company insists that there is no need for it.

According to ECG, the power outages are not the "return of dumsor" but are due to an overload of the transformers.

During a panel discussion on Peace FM's morning show 'Kokrokoo' on Tuesday 19th March 2024, Nana Akomea mentioned that there's an end in sight.

"Let me assure you...I have information from a very reliable source that by next week, the dumsor will stop. The government would've resolved all the issues. So there will be no problems of Dumsor during the Easter season" he said.

Listen to him in the video below