Akufo-Addo Masterminded the Supreme Court Case Against the Anti-Gay Bill - Banda MP Alleges

Member of Parliament for Banda constituency in the Bono region, Ahmed Ibrahim has alleged that President Nana Akufo-Addo is the brain behind the filing of injunction by Richard Dela Sky to the Supreme restraining the President from assenting to the bill. 

Hon. Ahmed Ibrahim alleged that the relief being sought by the Private legal practitioner was crafted by the President together with some officials of the Finance ministry.

He added that, it was a deliberate attempt to delay the process assenting to the bill when it is officially presented to the President. 

The President, in his address to some members of the diplomatic corps, assured them of Ghana's commitment to uphold and protect the rights of all manner of persons.

Thereafter, President issued a statement revealing that the Anti-gay bill which was passed by the Parliament of Ghana has been challenged by a well-meaning Ghanaian at the Supreme Court, thus, he would wait for the verdict from the Supreme Court before making his final decision. 

This came at a time where the Supreme Court was yet to receive any injunction letter to that effect. 

Speaking on UTVs 'Mpu ne Mpu' programme, the Banda MP accused Nana Akufo-Addo of using the court case as a modus operandi to delay the assenting to the bill. 

Hon. Amhed Ibrahim added that, after the bill had been passed, the Clerk of Parliament was supposed to look through the hansard to include all inputs that have been made, however, there was already pressure being mounted on the clerk not to present the bill to the President.

This, according to the legislator, is an attempt to the diffuse the pressure mounted on the President to assent to the bill.