You're Going To Hurt NPP And Bawumia If You Don't Sign The Anti-LGBTQ+ Bill - Akufo-Addo Warned

Atik Mohammed has warned President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo against not signing the anti-LGBTQ+ bill.

The President, in a statement dated March 4, indicated that the bill is not yet on his desk.

He also cited a Supreme Court case by some persons in the country challenging the constitutionality of the bill and due to this, has asked the nation to “hold our hands, and await the decision of the Court” before he takes any action.

“I think it will serve little purpose to go, at this stage, into the details of the origin of this proposed law, which is yet to reach my desk. But, suffice it to say, that I have learnt that, today, a challenge has been mounted at the Supreme Court by a concerned citizen to the constitutionality of the proposed legislation.

“In the circumstances, it would be, as well, for all of us to hold our hands, and await the decision of the Court before any action is taken. The operation of the institutions of the Ghanaian state will determine the future trajectory of the rule of law and human rights compliance in our country,” portions of the statement further read.

The President's response has been interpreted by some people to mean he doesn't want to assent to the bill.

Contributing to "Kokrokoo" panel discussion show on Peace FM, Atik Mohammed cautioned the President saying he will leave a bad legacy for his party and the nation if he refuses to sign the bill.

"He's going to hurt the NPP and his candidate forever. It's going to be a tag on the NPP as a party that endorses homosexuality and that's going to be a terrible tag that will haunt the NPP for a very long time to come," the former PNC General Secretary warned.