Respond to the Wails of Party Communicators - NPP Communicator Bemoans

A communications team member of the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP), Nana Kwadwdo Agyei Yeboah popularly known as Nana Kay, has called on the executives of the Party to respond to the cries and wails of the party members, especially the party communicators. 

According to Nana Kay, it is obvious that the government and the party just wants to use the seriel callers and communicators without thinking of their welfare.

He added that, some of the communicators in the Greater Accra region have been bed-ridden yet no one from the party has been able to extend a helping hand to alleviate the burden of the individuals. 

"We have NPP communicators who have passed on and are yet to be buried. Some are also bed-ridden yet unattended to. During elections, these persons would be transported to the polling station to cast their vote after which they will be sent back unappreciated," he lamented. 

"They can decide to be unconcerned today but a time is coming where a presdiential candidate would have to go round and be mounting bill boards and posters all by himself. Some people are used and dumped in the long run," Nana Kay added. 

Speaking on Neat FM, the aggrieved NPP communicator pointed out the extra fiainacnial commitment he has to make all by himslef but expresses his displeaure on how blindly the party executives have acted towards the party commicators. 

He acknowledged some efforts made by some executives but quickly added that, their financial engagement is nothing to write home about. 

"I am triggered by these issues. I don't have a political appointment but I do my best to get my work going. As a party communicator, sometimes you ask yourself what you stand to gain after you go to speak on air for the party and other government businesses. We beg those of you in government who have government appointments, We know you and you know us," he lamented. 

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