All Six New Regions Created By Akufo-Addo Exist In Name And Lack Developments - Mahama

The flagbearer of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), John Mahama says the Akufo-Addo-led government has done nothing to develop the six new regions it created.

According to him, the new regions are purely emblematic entities established by the current administration only on paper.

It is easy to create a region, but the region must have certain things to be a region, the six regions that were created, were created just in name. The things that must exist so when you enter the region you will know this is a region are still not there.

I can assure you that not only for the Savannah region but all the six new regions when the NDC comes into power, the things that you need to be called a region, we will make sure that you have them.” John Mahama told traditional leaders in a meeting at the Jakpa Palace during his “Building Ghana Tour”.

He, however, promised to ensure all six regions get their share of the national cake if reconsidered to be president again.

I will prioritize the development of the newly created regions if elected.” He noted 

The ongoing “Building Ghana Tour” initiated by the NDC is designed to address public concerns and integrate them into the party’s manifesto for the upcoming election.