Dr. Okoe Boye Is The Type of MP We Need - Concerned Residents of Ledzokuku

Some concerned residents of Teshie in the Ledzokuku Municipality of the Greater Accra Region are full of praise for their former member of parliament, Dr. Bernard Okoe Boye, for his efforts in bringing developments to all electoral areas in the constituency.

The residents, at a press conference in Teshie, said that even though Dr. Okoe Boye is no longer the MP in the constituency, he has strived hard in his efforts to bring development to his constituents.

The residents lauded his contributions to the development of the municipality in the areas of health, infrastructure, education, agriculture, and roads.

Over the years, the poor condition and delayed construction of the Teshie Link road have been an upsetting issue for the government, and the residents who are affected daily by it.

According to the concerned residents, various projects are being carried out in the constituency through the efforts of Dr. Okoe Boye, including Teshie inner roads, King Kotey Street, Coffee Street, from Teshie Mobil traffic light through to Tsui Bleoo last stop, from Oak Street to the Assembly, and to Palm Tree Avenue.

Other projects includes a foot bridge, a new lorry station at Teshie Tsui Bleoo, a nurses hostel, Teshie Landing beach, Teshie sports complex, and a children’s library, among others.

Speaking at the press conference, Convener for the Concerned Residents of Ledzokuku, Samuel Laryea, said Dr. Okoe Boye, since assuming the role as a parliamentarian in the constituency in 2017, has worked hard to improve the socio-economic infrastructure, which is helping to enhance the living conditions and lives of the people within the constituency.

Samuel Laryea again mentioned some of the completed and ongoing projects and commended him for the road project, saying that the tarring of the Teshie township and other major roads within the district will go a long way to facilitating the easy movement of people and their economic activities.

He described him as a symbol of hope and development and asked other residents within the Ledzokuku constituency to put politics aside and rally behind him to transform the area.

Some of the residents who also spoke, accused the current MP of consistently downplaying the monumental achievements in the constituency.

Residents call for a change, expressing their hope for leaders who prioritize development and job opportunities for the youth over political propaganda and divisiveness.