Fostering Good Relations, Addressing Basic Concerns On Health Critical – Okoe Boye On New Appointment

Dr. Bernard Okoe Boye, the Health Minister-designate, has assured Ghanaians of his commitment to continue the variou projects initiated by his predecessor, Hon. Kwaku Agyeman Manu.

He indicated that, despite having his priorities, he views this approach as essential for a seamless tenure, especially considering the limited time left for the Akufo-Addo administration.

On Wednesday 14th February, President Akufo-Addo effected his first ever major reshuffle which has stirred controversy with some ministers being kicked out of office while others make way for new entrants, including Dr. Bernard Okoe Boye.

Dr. Okoe Boye's appointment awaits approval from the Parliamentary vetting committee. Dr Okoe Boye, who previously served as Deputy Health Minister from 2020 to 2021, is set to return to the health sector when the approval is given.

In an interview with Bernard Avle on the Citi Breakfast Show, Dr. Okoe Boye emphasized his intention to see to the completion of the projects started by his predecessor. 

Sometimes it is not the programmes you introduce into a sector that makes people happy or improve the state of mind. It is the relationship and addressing basic things which do not require resources necessarily but require attention and offering protocols and this is going to be my major priority.”

Despite not yet receiving Parliament’s approval, he revealed that he had already initiated discussions with key players, including those at Korle Bu and the Ghana Medical Association.

When I went to Korle Bu, what I did was that I sat with those who have been there for a long time and most of them have a fair idea what the problems are, what it ought to be done and what to put in. As I speak to you, I’ve spoken to the Ghana Medical Association President and some of the Executives.

“I’ve not gone for the vetting but informally, I’m like guys, let’s sit down, what do you want, where do we get to? What must be done? The first approach is to talk to the people in the field,” Dr Okoe Boye revealed.