Release Our Frozen Salaries Or. . . . . – NAGRAT To Special Prosecutor

The National Association of Graduate Teachers (NAGRAT) has issued a two-day ultimatum to the Office of the Special Prosecutor (OSP) to release salaries of some teachers by Friday or face the wrath of the union.

The Association alleged that the OSP had withheld the salaries of more than 400 teachers believed to be ghost names that are still being kept in the system.

According to the Office, they are investigating ghost names on the government’s payroll.

However, the President of NAGRAT, Angel Carbonu said the searching and clearing of ghost names is not enough reason to withhold salaries of eligible workers.

He said, "When you're auditing somebody, until the audit is completed and you have conclusively arrived indicating that A, B and C are not qualified to earn a salary, you don't go ahead to inflict punishment."

Speaking on NewsNite, Mr. Karbonu warned that the association will be forced to resort to other measures if the OSP fails to release their salaries by Friday, February 16, 2024.

"He [Special Prosecutor] has not finished prosecuting people who have been given bribes in elections and things like that, it is not poor teachers that he is coming to zero in on.

"If he does not defreeze the salaries by Friday, he will have to be blamed for whatever happens after Friday," he added.