"NPP Govt Is Hanging Gross Economic Mismanagement On International Variables"- Bernard Mornah

Former National Chairman of the People's National Convention (PNC), Mr. Bernard Mornah has described the Akufo Addo led government as the worst since the inception of the fourth republic. 

According to Mr. Mornah, the current government has already landed the country in a terrible economic turmoil which will be difficult to salvage. 

He also pooh-poohed the announcement of newly appointed ministers, saying "there is nothing to salvage at this point."

''This is the worst governance we have encounted since the fourth republican constitution. Everything has not worked and because nothing has worked, they have chosen to use international variable that they can hang their incompetence and gross mismanagement of our economy on,'' he said. 

Speaking on TV3's Big Issues on Wednesday, 14th February 2024, Mr. Mornah indicated that, economies all over the world have recovered from the fatal impact of covid-19, but the government is sstill attributing the current economic woes to the pandemic and Russian-Ukraine War. 

The PNC former National Chairman was emphatic that, before the emergence of Covid 19, the economy was already moving in a downward spiral, and the pandemic rather offered the government a glimmer of economic hope because of the numerous financial aid that came its way.

''Our situation would have been more calamitous than we have today," he added.

In his view, the government should accept its failure in order to get the economy fixed rather than pretending that things are alright which rathers planges the economy in a more serious mess.