Akufo-Addo Finally Sacks Ofori Atta

President Akufo Addo has finally heeded numerous calls to fire his Finance Minister, Ken Ofori Atta.

It may be recalled that over 80 members of Parliament on the NPP side of the aisle, demanded the dismissal of the Finance Minister over the country’s economic woes. They threatened to boycott the 2023 budget presentation if the President refused to sack him.

However, they softened their stand after a meeting where the President promised to sack Ken Ofori Atta after completing the International Monetary Fund (IMF) bailout.

With just 10 months to the general election, President Akufo-Addo has finally 'fulfilled' his promise to the NPP MPs and Ghanaians in general.

In a reshuffle announced today, the President dismissed Ken Ofori Atta, replacing him with Mohammed Amin Adam.