World Radio Day: I've Done Radio for 55 Years; I Nearly Quit 9 Years Ago - Pratt Discloses

Today, February 13, marks World Radio Day to celebrate radio broadcast, improve international cooperation among radio broadcasters, and encourage decision-makers to create and provide access to information through radio, according to the International Association of Sound and Audiovisual (IASA).

The day is to commemorate the importance of radio in decision-making and the economic growth of nations.

As the world marks World Radio Day, astute journalist and Managing Editor of the Insight newspaper, Kwesi Pratt has expressed gratitude to radio owners and listeners for giving him and his co-panelists, particularly Peace FM's "Kokrokoo" morning show, the opportunity to serve them for years.

Kwesi Pratt, speaking on 'Kokrokoo' on Tuesday, February 13, revealed his years of experience on radio for the first time.

The seasoned journalist disclosed that he has been on the radio for fifty-five (55) years and commended all radio stations in Ghana for their crucial role in shaping the country.

"Today, as we sit here, I've done radio for 55 years. My first radio programme was in  1969," he said, adding that he however, nearly quit radio work.

"About 9 years ago, I felt tired and decided to do it again," he stated, and he appreciated the efforts of the owner and managing director of Despite Media, and ace broadcaster, Kwami Sefa Kayi, for keeping him glued to his seat as a panel member on the station's morning show all these years.

"It's such a big honor...I think we have to be grateful," he thanked the citizenry, stressing that those who come on the radio are neither brighter nor wiser than the ordinary Ghanaian.

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