This Akufo-Addo Govt Is Becoming Increasingly Desperate - Ex-Prez Mahama

Flagbearer for the National Democratic Congress (NDC), Former President John Dramani Mahama, has accused the Akufo-Addo government of resorting to desperate manoeuvres to win back the trust of Ghanaians ahead of the 2024 general elections.

According to him, the current administration is attempting to force draconian policies down the throats of Ghanaians by the introduction of unbearable taxes and other financial burdens.

Mr Mahama was addressing the Minority Members of Parliament in Ho over the weekend.

Your return is opportune and timely, as it accords you an opportunity to maintain even greater vigilance and oversight over a government that is becoming increasingly desperate and, with no doubt, attempting to ramp Draconian policies down the throats of Ghanaians,” he said.

Whiles patting the Minority on the back for their hard work in holding the government accountable, the former president however, entreated them to work harder in order to return to power come December 2024 when the election is held.

On the evidence of what we have seen so far, I believe I speak for the generality of Ghanaians when I say that you in the Minority have lived up to expectations,” he added.