We Need Your Election Timetable By Monday - Nana B Tells Electoral Commission

The National Organizer of the ruling New Patriotic Party, Henry Nana Boakye, has requested that the Electoral Commission (EC) present its calendar for the electioneering year to the political parties.

Supporting the EC on its decision to change the election date from December 7 to a Tuesday in the month of November, Nana Boakye, popularly called "Nana B", wondered why the EC hasn't yet provided the calendar for this year.

He noted that all political parties have a need for this calendar to aid them in their activities prior to and towards the elections this year.

"We have entered the election year but don't have your calendar yet. Every political party worth its salt will need this calendar to draw its programs...We plead for you to make your calendar available to us...I'd plead with the Electoral Commission to bring their calendar by Monday," he said on Peace FM's "Kokrokoo" morning show.

Nana B made this request while commending the Seventh Day Adventist Church for proposing that Ghana's general elections should be held in November because conducting it on December 7, which falls on Saturday this year, will disrupt their Sabbath day.

The NPP National Organizer described this as "a fantastic idea, solid," hence called for its implementation this year.

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