NPP Primaries: Chaos Hits Yendi Constituency As Angry Delegate Destroys Ballot Papers

The New Patriotic Parliamentary Primaries in Yendi witnessed a severe unrest during the sorting and counting of the ballot papers. 

This was after some aggrieved party activists damaged electoral materials during the process of sorting out ballots.

The incumbent Member of Parliament for the Yendi constituency, Farouk Aliu Mahama, and the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) for MASLOC, Mrs. Abibata Shanni Zakariah Mahama, were battling it out to represent the NPP in the 2024 general elections

According to reports monitored by, and filed by Kwabena Ntow, the commotion started after a supporter of Abibata Shanbi Mahama Zakaria, allegedly accused the official of the Electoral Commission of using indelible ink to mar the ballots of his preferred candidate.

During the confrontation, other supporters who had gathered around the area where the sorting was taking place joined in escalating the confusion which eventually brought the sorting and counting process to a halt.

All the ballots were apparently destroyed. Also, other properties at the venue were also destroyed by these irate supporters.

It is however unclear if the NPP will still continue with the primaries or slate it for another time.

Meanwhile, the Ghana Police Service has arrested one suspect and is on a manhunt for others in the electoral-related offences.

According to a statement copied Peacefmonline, the Police, worked together with the Military, in line with our established protocols, to restore law, order and security in the area. No persons were injured during the disturbances, the statement added.