Archbishop Kwaku Frimpong Manso Semanshya Donates to All Nation Prayer Center Orphanage in Wiamoase 

Archbishop Kwaku Frimpong Manso Semanshya of Reconciliation International Community Foundation together with some apostles and in collaboration with the Local Council of Churches in  Wiamoase has donated a variety of items to the All Nation Charity Home at Wiamoase in the Ashanti Region.

The items included boxes of bottled water, assorted drinks, clothing, biscuits, boxes of chocolate and more.

The founder and President of the foundation, Archbishop Kwaku Frimpong Manso Semanshya (BEM), delivering a speech during the event said; “one of my desires in life is to support the vulnerable and underprivileged in society, especially women and children”. 

“The church is a charitable institution that should take care of the needy and the underprivileged in society”, he added.

This gesture is also to strengthen the relationship between the church and the orphanage.

Archbishop Frimpong Manso Semanshya appealed to benevolent organizations and individuals to replicate their action.