2023 WASSCE Results: Your 'Cheat' Comment Is The Highest Form of Insult - EPA Boss Blasts Mahama

Chief Executive Officer of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Henry Kwabena Kokofu has slammed Ex-President John Dramani Mahama over his comments about the 2023 WASSCE which saw a massive number of students pass the exams.

The former president discounted the performance of the students, attributing it to examination cheating, as he argued that some of the invigilators relaxed on their duties to allow the teachers to aid the students in answering the questions.

"In many places, they let the children cheat. You go to places, and the teachers are conniving with the students to cheat. The effect will be seen later," John Mahama is quoted.

But the EPA boss finds Mahama's assertions to be the highest form of insult to teachers in the country.

Chronicling events that have transformed Ghana's education system from independence until the Akufo-Addo administration, which has provided free SHS to alleviate the plight of parents and students, Mr. Kokofu noted that Mahama has denigrated the efforts of teachers who toil to see their students pass the exams.

"Despite all these efforts and challenges, if the teachers have patiently managed the schoolchildren and the students have passed their exams, don't they deserve commendation? Do we have to disgrace or denigrate them?", he lambasted the NDC flagbearer, John Mahama.

Henry Kokofu implored students and teaching staff to massively vote against Mr. Mahama during the presidential elections on December 7, exclaiming his words had betrayed his conscience about them.

"NPP under Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo has empowered you," he admonished the teachers and students while speaking on Peace FM's "Kokrokoo" show.