Fumso Polling Station Executives Declare Support For K. T Hammond

More than 40 polling stations executives who are delegates of the New Patriotic Party in the Fumso electoral area in the Adansi Asokwa constituency have declared their unflinching support to their Member of Parliament Hon Kobina Tahir Hammond ahead of the party's parliamentary primaries in January 27.

In a press conference held at Fumso, the largest electoral area in the constituency, a convener for the group Isaac Afful said the 41 delegates of the Adansi Fumso electoral area declare their total support for Hon. KT Hammond and will vote massively for him come January 27 2024 in other to preserve the vote for the Npp in the constituency and for the mp to continue his "good works".

The Press conference was a reaction to a protest against the incumbent MP Hon K. T Hammond at Adansi Fumso on Friday 19th January, 2024.

According to Mr. Afful the said protest was led by some members of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) against Hon. K.T Hammond describing their allegations leveled against the Mp as false and malicious targeted at making the Mp unpopular ahead of the primaries.

"The lady Agnes Aculey and the gentleman Franklin Yamoah seen in the video sending warning to the delegates towards the upcoming parliamentary elections are well known NDC members holding Women (organizer market square 3 Fumso and communication team member position respectively). Yaw Ofori who claims to be a member of the NPPis an anti-KT since 2012. So his actions are not new to us", he stressed

Again, he said contrary to the falsehood peddled against the Mp who doubles as the Minister of trade and industry, that he has done nothing for the Fumso electoral area, he said Hon K. T Hammond has done so much for the electoral in the past 24 years as MP.

Explaining further, he said Fumso as a community has benefited greatly from the Mp hence all those accusations against the Mp should be taken with a pinch of salt. He however mentioned the underlisted projects to buttress his point;a. 3 -6 unit classroom blocks and 1 -3unit classroom block.b.Fumso water project being the largest in the constituency.c. Completion of ten (10) seater toilet facility.d. Recruitment of personnel into the national security service.

He said he also took back a car he donated to the constituency after the 2020 election stressing that the party delegates should vote against him and the other two aspirants.Hon. K T Hammond who first entered Parliament in January, 2001 will be going into the contest with other 3 contestants namely  Sammy Binfo Darkwa, Kwabena Asamoah and Dr. Boakye Acheampong.