NPP Should Close Ranks - Mustapha Salam

The National Youth Organizer of the New Patriotic Party, Salam Mustapha, has admonished his party members to close up ranks in the build up towards the December 2024 Presidential and Parliamentary polls considering the exit of some experienced Members of Parliament. 

Speaking on Peace FM's Kokrokoo Morning Show,Mr. Salam expressed deep concerns about the exit of some leading MPs from the December 2024 Parliamentary elections. 

Eighteen incumbent NPP MPs have decided not to contest in the upcoming Parliamentary primaries hence, their absence as contestants in the 2024 general election. According to Mr. Salam, the loss of institutional memory and expertise poses a serious challenge to the New patriotic Party considering the fact that the main opposition party still have most of their experienced MPs still contesting. 

He also reiterated the need to preserve or better still, maintain the few experienced NPP MPs, citing the likes of Hon. Alexander Afenyo Markin, Hon. Ursula Owusu, Hon. Dominic Nitiwul amongst others.

".....I was intrigued when i heard the MP for Kwabre East, Hon. Francisca Oteng Mensah opting out of the Parliamentary me, the exit of some experienced MPs like Hon. Osei Keyi Mensah Bonsu, Hon. Atta Akyea, Hon. Joe Ghartey, Hon. Kennedy Agyapong,etc., will somewhat affect the NPP if the party members are not careful to close every loopholes," he said.