District Election: Aspiring Assemblyman In Tears As Food Goes Waste

An aspiring Assemblyman at Akyem Maase Electoral Area in the Eastern Region, William Osei, is up in arms with the Electoral Commission (EC) over the postponement of the district level election which was set for today.

Mr Osei has queried why the EC will wait till last minute to reschedule the election, considering the resources aspirants have invested.

In an interview on Adom FM, the disgruntled aspirant disclosed he paid for the transportation, feeding and other expenses of electorates.
“I prepared Banku, Jollof and fried rice to share for the people and now the election has been postponed. I’m really confused on what to do with the food.

“I even had to go round the community at dawn to mobilise people to come and vote before going to their farms only for the Returning Officer to tell us there will be no election in Abuakwa South district,” he lamented.

The EC on Tuesday mid-morning announced it has rescheduled the polls in some areas in the Ashanti and Eastern regions to Thursday, December 21, 2023.

The statement signed by the acting Head of Public Affairs, Michael Boadu attributed the development to technical challenges.

But a visibly angry Osei said he can’t let his money go waste. He hinted of seeking legal redress to recoups his money. “I will use the rest of the money to get a lawyer and head to court for the EC to pay my money,” he stated.