Nii Noi Nortey Donates To Osu Doku Fire Outbreak Victims

Valentino Nii Noi Nortey, the New Patriotic Party (NPP) Parliamentary candidate for Klottey Korle constituency, has commiserated with victims of the fire outbreak that occurred at Osu Doku on Wednesday, 13th December, 2023.

The inferno destroyed a storey building, household items and other properties.

Nii Noi Nortey, on Sunday, visited the victims and donated bags of cement, roofing sheets, cooking oil and bags of rice to ameliorate their plight.

He also pledged his continuous support for the traders and appealed to the government, corporate organizations and philanthropists to come to their aid.

Nii Noi further cut sod to build an ultra modern storey for them.

He was accompanied by the Constituency Executives led by the Chairperson (Madam Juliana Aboagye), Constituency Secretary (Mpery), Treasurer (Emmanuel Duah), Organiser (Eric Doe), Youth Organiser (Maxwell Asamoah), and some  Electoral area coordinators and Assembly Aspirants.