All Set For District Assembly Elections On Tuesday – EC

As the district-level elections approach on Tuesday, December 19, the Electoral Commission (EC) has declared that all necessary arrangements have been made for the smooth conduct of the polls.

More than 66,000 candidates are vying for assembly and unit committee positions across 6,215 electoral areas.

The EC's data shows that there is a total of 66,257 candidates, comprising 18,755 assembly member hopefuls and 47,502 unit committee member candidates.

These candidates are contesting in 216 metropolitan, municipal, and district assemblies.

Dr. Serebour Quaicoe, the Director of Electoral Services at the EC, provided assurance regarding the readiness of preparations for the elections.

"With the exception of ballot papers, all the materials are there, and when we are going, we don’t go with partial delivery; we go with full delivery, so we are not expecting to have shortages. All things being equal, in case there are shortages, the district office will respond to such shortages," quoted Dr. Serebour Quarcoe as having said.

Preparations, according to Dr. Quarcoe, have been meticulously handled to guarantee a successful and well-organized electoral process.

He emphasized that steps have been taken to prevent any shortages of electoral materials at polling stations.

"As we approach the district-level elections, the EC is confident in its ability to facilitate a seamless and fair electoral process, ensuring that all candidates have an equal opportunity to participate in this democratic exercise," Dr. Serebour Quaicoe added.