District Assembly Elections: You're A Lazy Political Party If You Fail To Participate - NPP Communicator

Ghanaian electorates are expected to, on Tuesday, December 19, 2023, go to the polls to elect their district assembly leaders for the next four years.

A total of 66,257 candidates, comprising 18,755 assembly member candidates and 47,502 unit committee member candidates, are competing for positions in 6,215 electoral areas spread across 216 metropolitan, municipal, and district assemblies.

This is in accordance with the Local Governance Act, 2016 (Act 936) Section 6 which states that elections to the district assemblies shall be held once every four (4) years and at least six (6) months apart from the parliamentary elections.

Speaking on Peace FM's morning show "Kokrokoo", Dr. Richard Asante Yeboah, Chief Executive Officer of the Public Servants Housing Loan Scheme and a Deputy National Communications Director of the governing New Patriotic Party(NPP) supports the idea for district assembly elections to be wholly politicized.

He explained that if the elections are not politicized with the political parties playing active role in helping their candidates win, this could negatively affect the ruling party in the sense that when the President appoints a Municipal Chief Executive, the Assembly could gang up against the candidate.

He also noted that the district assembly elections have already turned political, so it should be made official to avoid the pretence that the elections are apolitical.

"If you are a political party and you don't participate, you are a lazy political party," he emphasized.