NPP Running Mate Race: EPA Boss Seen As Dark Horse

The Executive Director of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Honorable Dr. Henry Kwabena Kokofu, is among those being considered as a potential running mate for Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia, the flagbearer of the New Patriotic Party (NPP).

This portal assembles information that despite the media attention given to individuals such as Education Minister Yaw Adutwum, Energy Minister Mathew Opoku Prempeh, and Chief of Staff Frema Osei Opare, among others, regarding the running mate position, Dr. Henry Kokofu, barring any last-minute hitch, could emerge as a possible candidate.

Dr. Kokofu, who has recently come to the attention of the vice president, is the dark horse in the contest, according to credible sources with close ties to Dr. Bawumia.

In addition to being Ashanti, which seems to be the primary criterion for choosing a running mate, the EPA director has extensive political experience; he has served as a polling station executive, constituency chairperson, member of parliament, and now EPA director. Consequently, he is exceptionally qualified for the position.

He is also said to have a calm and affable demeanor that endears him to people, a trait most required to maximize the candidate’s Ashanti votes.

More importantly, we gather that the Vice President’s heightened interest in Dr Kokofu is attributed to his expertise in environmental sustainability among others.


Hon. Dr. Henry Kwabena Kokofu, Esq is the Executive Director of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the lead body that oversees and governs Ghana’s environment.

He was the former Deputy Chief Executive Officer of Ghana Integrated Iron and Steel Development Corporation (GIISDEC).

Henry was a Member of the Parliament of Ghana and served on the Parliamentary Select­ Committee on Lands and Forestry from 2013 to 2017.

He is currently serving on several Boards including the Petroleum Commission, Lands Commission, Ghana Maritime Authority, Environmental Protection Agency, Public-Private Partnership, and Public Investment Program Working Committee, and is the Special Envoy for the Ghana Presidency of Climate Vulnerable Forum (CVF).