"When You Haven't Seen War Before, You Take Peace for Granted" - Atik Rebukes Sam George

Atik Mohammed has taken a swipe at Sam George for pronouncing Vice President Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia a "religious prostitute" for regularly interacting with Christians and visiting churches.

To the Ningo-Prampram Parliamentarian, the Vice President's conduct is at variance with Islamic practices, hence saying Dr. Bawumia is not "a proper Muslim”.

He argued that "no true Muslim in the world believes that Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior. He is not a proper Muslim”.

But Atik Mohammed has shot back a reply at the lawmaker cautioning him against making such "reckless" comments.

"When you haven't seen war before, you take peace for granted...People tend to think, in politics, anything and everything goes; you can say anything and go scot free but it just took one reckless comment on radio and Rwanda was up the creek. Look, the only thing that has held Ghana together is our religious pluralism.

"The tolerance that our religious faiths have for one another, that is the reason why Ghana continues to be stable and continues to be an example for other African countries but it appears people are working so hard to destroy that magnet that keeps all of us together which is the religious tolerance," Atik responded on Peace FM's morning show "Kokrokoo".

He asked Sam George, "what if someone who was a traditionalist and all of sudden, the person has found Christ and has become a Christian, others even go on and become even Pastors, will you also refer to them in the same manner?"

Atik warned Sam George and his likes to refrain from making those "reckless comments; they are becoming one too many".

"Whether somebody is a devout Muslim or not...it doesn't lie in your mouth to say", he emphasized.