'No Insurance Company Will Accept Ghc8 As Premium' - Atik Implores Gov't To Increase NHIS Premium

Atik Mohammed is calling on government to review the yearly premium for National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS) for the benefit of the scheme and people seeking adequate healthcare.

Atik called for an upward adjustment in the amount paid to the National Health Insurance Authority (NHIA) to roll out the scheme.

Beneficiaries pay between GH¢ 8–12 annually1 to be enrolled on the scheme but to Atik, 8 cedis per year per patient is insignificantly low and should be reasonably increased.

He opined during Peace FM's morning show "Kokrokoo" on Thursday, November 9, that the 8 cedis is an unrealistic amount, asserting that "no insurance company will take 8 cedis as premium".

"You pay premium to take care of a risk and the risk of falling sick is 8 cedis. No insurance company will take 8 cedis as premium. No insurance company will do that. We admit it is government's insurance but let's be reasonable. Let's be realistic; this is why we are suffering...I feel that, realistically, we need to do something about the premium", he maintained.

Atik also proposed for government to direct the health levy it receives to cushion the National Health Insurance Authority and the health sector at large.