Dakoa Newman Commissions Library for Pupils of Cable and Wireless Cluster of Schools

The Member of Parliament for Okaikoi South Constituency, Dakoa Newman commissioned a library at the Cable and Wireless Cluster of Schools at Bubiashie with a renewed pledge by the government to continue work to close Ghana’s current learning poverty gap and make her a learning nation.

The edifice will also serve as a model library, where training can be offered to libraries and schools.

Dakoa Newman emphasized that if Ghana is to sustain growth in its economic performance, the need to build a literate society cannot be underestimated.

She said children in their formative years require consistent exposure to books to build and sustain interest in reading and also for knowledge and Ghana cannot be a learning nation if it does not prioritise access to knowledge resources.

Speaking about maintenance culture, Hon. Dakoa Newman urged the teachers to protect the school children not to distribute the books around but rather they should make sure the books are put into good use for it to prolong for many years.

She then entreated parents not to renege on their responsibilities in their children’s educational reforms.