Dr. Bawumia Is The Right Choice To Lead NPP For Fhe 2024 Elections - Parliamentary Candidate

An NPP parliamentary Candidate for Dormaa Central Constituency in the Bono Region, Dr. Yao Yeboah has urged the party delegates to select the right candidate to lead the party in the upcoming 2024 general election to ensure victory for NPP.

He indicated that all the 4 flagbearer aspirants have what it takes to be leaders for NPP and president for Ghana but Dr. Alhaji Mahamud Bawumia is the right candidate who can make amends as far as the 2024 general election is concerned hence party delegates must vote for him massively in the November 4 primaries to secure a persuasive victory for effective preparation ahead of the 2024 general election.

Speaking in an exclusive interview with newsmen, Dr. Yao Yeboah explained that Dr. Bawumia is unique among the four flagbearer aspirants because he has been an influence in strengthening the alliance and peace between Muslims and Christians as far as religion is concerned adding that he is a team player and a unifier who is keen in ensuring unity and cohesion within the New Patriotic Party.

He added that floating voters who are determiners of winners in general elections in Ghana are solidly behind the Vice president in his quest to lead the country, therefore delegates must select him to be the NPP's presidential candidate adding that, his enormous contribution to the development of Ghana as Vice president within the past 7years of NPP governance can never be overemphasized and so when he is elected to be the leader of NPP and Ghana's president he can highly contribute to the development of the country.

Mr. Yao Yeboah disputed the claims that Dr. Bawumia will lose the 2024 elections even if he manages to win the primaries because of hardship being inflicted on Ghanaians as a result of poor governance and his inability to ensure effective economic stability despite his claims of being the economic Messiah.

He denoted that Dr. Bawumia is not responsible for the hardship in Ghana and the current economic challenges because it is a result of Covid 19 and the Russia-Ukraine war which has affected all economies around the world including Ghana explaining that the first 4 years of Akufo Addo - Bawumia governance saw some great improvement in the economic situation of Ghana therefore if not for the Pandemic and the the war in Ukraine, things would have been better in the second term of Akufo Addo and Bawimia's administration hence blaming Dr. Bawumia for the economic challenges is neither here nor there.

Finally, Dr. Yao Yeboah indicated that the Vice president and flagbearer aspirant, Dr. Mahamud Bawumia has extensively contributed to the development of Ghana as a result of the teaming work of NPP from presidency to the last person in the party adding that Dr. Bawumia has spearheaded the digitilization agenda, Mobile Money interoperability and other developmental policies that has reduced stress and other tensions that people go through in the discharge of their duties.