Professor Adei Is Speaking Out of Pains - Governance Lecturer

Dr. Benjamin Otchere Ankrah, a lecturer at the University of Ghana, has taken a swipe at Prof Stephen Adei, a former Director-General and Rector of the Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration, who in a recent interview with TV3, accused government officials of demanding payment of 1 million before awarding road contracts.

“This road contract would be given to you, provided you put one million upfront, not after you have gotten the money. This is what Akufo-Addo must be thinking about and if he knows about it, he must be ashamed.

“That now his people demand from you a certain amount before you would be considered for a job. Why? Because when they get it, whether the government pays you or not they have gotten their money. It is as if people are in a hurry to loot the country before the end of Akufo-Addo’s term”, he alleged.

Professor Adei's allegations have been referred to the Economic and Organized Crime Office (EOCO).

Discussing the allegations on Peace FM's "Kokrokoo" morning programme, Dr. Benjamin Otchere Ankrah questioned the basis for the Professor's claims.

To him, the Professor's assertions are born out of pain because President Nana Addo didn't give him an appointment in his second term in office.

"From where I sit, he spoke out of pain. During the time that he had big positions, does that mean he saw nothing? If Ghana is corrupt, it's not today; we have been corrupt...When he went to GRA, didn't he know there is corruption there? This is why I am saying that from where I sit, he is saying these things because he was not given another position," he exclaimed.