#EndSars Hashtag Revived In Nigeria Three Years On

#EndSars is once again the most-used hashtag on social media in Nigeria, on what is the third anniversary of a notorious shooting incident during a protest at a tollgate in Lagos.

People are reflecting on the fortnight-long protests in which tens of thousands of young Nigerians took to the streets condemning police brutality, after a video had gone viral of a man allegedly being killed by the notorious Special Anti-Robbery Squad (Sars).

A violent crackdown on the #EndSars protests in October 2020 saw dozens of civilians killed.

The government later disbanded Sars, but instances of police brutality continue in Nigeria.

Some 15 people remain in detention for their role in the 2020 protests, according to the rights group Amnesty International which is calling for their release - and says that some have not been tried, and many face "trumped-up charges".