Attack On UTV: Shredding NPP Letter Was The 'Highest Level of Intolerance and Disrespect' - Aplus 'Fired'

Prof. Smart Sarpong, a Senior Research Fellow of the Kumasi Technical University, has expressed disgust over the behaviour of musician Kwame Aplus regarding a letter that the New Patriotic Party wrote to the management of United Television (UTV) asking them to straighten out their entertainment show "United Showbiz".

The United Showbiz aired on Saturdays came under an attack last Saturday when some New Patriotic Party sympathizers invaded the premises of UTV insisting to be allowed on the show.

But for the timely intervention of the Police who arrested sixteen (16) of the invaders, the situation would have been messier.

The NPP sympathizers' forceful entry into UTV studios was due to Aplus' act of shredding their letter and also being overly critical of the incumbent government.

Speaking on Peace FM's "Kokrokoo" show Wednesday morning, Prof. Smart Sarpong rebuked Aplus for showing what he termed "intolerance" on his part.

He stated that Aplus exhibited the highest form of disrespect to the New Patriotic Party.

"To tear it on live TV show is the highest level of intolerance, the highest level of disrespect, the highest level of what you are preaching against that people should tolerate you; it looks like you couldn't also tolerate the letter. In fact, the logo alone should have made Aplus relax," he remarked.

To him, Aplus and the other panel members on United Showbiz should develop a big heart to tolerate divergent views, also refrain from actions that will inflame the passions of people.