Attack On UTV: Let's Tolerate Dissenting Views - Prof. Smart Sarpong Admonishes NPP

Prof. Smart Sarpong has lambasted the New Patriotic Party (NPP) youth who thronged the studios of United Television (UTV) causing mayhem on the set of the station's entertainment show "United Showbiz" last Saturday.

About thirty individuals who identified themselves as sympathizers of the ruling party and were in the company of the Greater Accra Regional Youth Organizer of the party forced their way into the UTV studios insisting to be a part of the programme and also demanding an apology from Aplus, a panel member, for tearing a letter the New Patriotic Party sent to the management of the Television network to reform their entertainment show.

They found it unacceptable for the United Showbiz panel to discuss matters that border on political lines and using the platform to overly criticize the Akufo-Addo/Bawumia administration.

Addressing the incident during a panel discussion on Peace FM's morning show 'Kokrokoo', Prof. Smart Sarpong labeled the act by the NPP youth as unfortunate noting it is inappropriate to use violence to address conflicts.

"If what they are doing doesn't contravene the law or affect any editorial thing, let us tolerate dissenting views," he said and advised the invaders not to repeat their behaviour.

The Senior Research Fellow of the Kumasi Technical University urged the NPP and all political parties to build a cordial relationship with the media, stressing the important role of the media.

"If you believe the media is a very strong arm of government, then don't be too busy that you cannot relate well with the media."