Attack On UTV: Every Ghanaian Has Right Not to Like a Political Party with Or Without Basis - Pratt Blasts NPP

Kwesi Pratt Jnr. has slammed the New Patriotic Party's youth who invaded United Television (UTV) to interrupt the station's Entertainment Show 'United Showbiz' on Saturday.

A group of individuals who pledged allegiance to the New Patriotic Party created chaos in the studios of UTV insisting to be on the live programme on the basis that the entertainment show is turning political, hence the ruling party isn't having a fair representation on the show.

They also insisted that Kwame Aplus, a panel member on the programme, must apologize to the government and the New Patriotic Party for being critical of the Akufo-Addo/Bawumia administration and also tearing into shreds a letter sent to UTV by the party requesting the management of the station to reform United Showbiz.

The seasoned Journalist, Kwesi Pratt found the act by the NPP invaders a slight on Ghana's democracy.

"If we will go far with our democracy, one of the things we have to understand clearly is that there's nothing wrong with being against a political party," he stated.

To him, no person has the authority to intimidate another for criticizing his or her political party, stressing every Ghanaian has "a right not to like a political party. You have the right to criticize a political party. Even if you have no basis for it, you have a right to do it. You don't need grounds to like a political party or to dislike a political party. You don't need grounds; that's the right of citizens".

He made these submissions on Peace FM's "Kokrokoo" morning show.