We Don't Know Who Sent The Thugs To UTV - NPP

The New Patriotic Party has denied knowledge of the person who sent some thugs believed to be members and supporters of the party to the studios of UTV on Saturday, October 7.

The thugs interrupted UTV's entertainment show "United Showbiz" demanding an apology from A-plus, a panel member, for ripping a letter sent to UTV by the New Patriotic Party (NPP).

They also demanded to be allowed on the show saying they have realized it has been discussing political matters.

About 16 of the thugs were arrested by the Police.

According to investigations noted by the Ghana Journalists Association, the Acting Greater Accra Regional Youth Organiser of the New Patriotic Party was in the company of the hooligans, some of whom introduced themselves as constituency youth organizers of the NPP.

Communications Director of the NPP, Richard Ahiagbah appearing on Peace FM's "Kokrokoo" programme Monday morning, was asked to disclose the person(s) who orchestrated the attack.

Richard Ahiagbah stated emphatically that neither he nor the NPP has any idea about who sent the attackers but pledged to fully assist Police investigations.

"The Police investigation will indicate it, that's why we have established that we will support them in every way for any information they require. If they call me, I will tell them what I know but as to who sent them, I have no idea as it now. However, the truth is that the party didn't send them", he replied.