Attack On UTV: We Need Our Representatives On United Showbiz If... - NPP Communications Director

Communications Director of the ruling New Patriotic Party(NPP), Richard Ahiagbah has called for what he terms a balanced representation on UTV's Entertainment Show "United Showbiz".

Richard Ahiagbah noted during discussions on Peace FM's 'Kokrokoo' show Monday morning that the New Patriotic Party has received series of concerns about the path that United Showbiz has recently taken and, to him, the programme is turning more political than entertainment.

He noted that if the production team is going to allow the show to become political, then it is only appropriate that the party is given a fair representation to inform the public on what President Akufo-Addo government is doing to better the nation.

According to him, the panel of the show tend to misinform the public, so revealed that the New Patriotic Party is in talks with the management of UTV to streamline United Showbiz to serve a nationalistic interest.

"If it is entertainment, let it remain entertainment. If it will not be entertainment but political conversation, then allow us to also come on the programme with individuals we believe can advocate or give better explanations to the understanding of the viewers. If not, you are presenting only one aspect of the issue; the balance and the check that you need to do is lacking," he told host Kwami Sefa Kayi.

Richard Ahiagbah's admonition to UTV comes on the heels of the violent attack on the TV station on Saturday by some members and supporters of the New Patriotic Party who paraded UTV studios demanding to be allowed on the show.

About sixteen (16) of the attackers were arrested by the Police.