Attack On UTV Studios: Don't Let Politicians Use You As 'Pawns' - Philip Abban Warns The Youth

Philip Abban, a social commentator, has condemned the attack by some fanatics of the New Patriotic Party on United Television on Saturday, October 7, 2023.

About thirty (30) thugs reportedly from the New Patriotic Party (NPP) disrupted the television network's entertainment programme, United Showbiz, stalling the programme for almost an hour before the Police intervened to calm down nerves.

The thugs authorized by the NPP General Accra Regional Youth Organizer, according to investigations, who stormed the studios of UTV were heard saying "we're waiting for A-Plus" and requesting an apology from A-Plus, a panel member on the programme, for ripping a letter sent to UTV by the party.

Some of the goons were arrested by the Police and sent to the station for their statement.

Reacting to the attack on UTV, Philip Abban admonished the youth, particularly those who owe allegiances to their political parties, to resist the urge for them to be used as political pawns.

He advised them to note that if they allow themselves to be used by their political masters and they are harmed, "the best their parties will do for them is to visit them and their families, afterwards they will be left to their fate".

He reminded them of incidents where some party supporters engaged in violent activities and became victims only for the parties they were fighting for to neglect them in their state of need.

"The future of the country and its progress depends on us, the youth or young ones", Philip Abban charged the youth to be responsible and desist from using violence to resolve a conflict.