Filing Ex Parte Application To Place Injunction On Protest Is Not Good...Stop It! - Kwesi Pratt Tells Police

Seasoned Journalist, Kwesi Pratt Jnr. has kicked against the culture where the Ghana Police Service seeks injunction through an ex parte application against demonstrators when they decide to exercise their constitutional right to protest.

Speaking in relation to the current #OccupyBoG protest led by the Minority in Parliament to picket the Bank of Ghana, Kwesi Pratt called for an immediate abolition of such disposition of the Police towards protesters.

He recounted how it's become a character trait of the Police that almost every time organizers of a protest  inform them about their intended action, the Police would wait till few days to the protest and file an ex parte application to stop it.

"That attitude is bad; we shouldn't encourage it. It is not a good thing," he told host Kwami Sefa Kayi on Peace FM's morning show "Kokrokoo".

He asked the Police to ensure the absolute right of people to protest in peace.

#OccupyBoG Protest

The Minority together with some Ghanaians today embarked on their #OccupyBoG protest aimed at deposing the Governor of the Bank of Ghana, Dr. Ernest Addison and his deputies.

The Governors, according to the organizers of the protest, have mismanaged the Central Bank and demand they leave their positions.

They indicate they will only stop picketing the Bank of Ghana when their demand is met, if not, they have served notice to repeat their demonstration.