You Played It Too Safe . . . You Didn't Want Anyone to 'Insult' You - Kofi Tonto Replies Alan

Government Spokesperson, Kofi Tonto has asked Alan Kyerematen to do a self-introspection and know his own mistakes that have led him to resign from the New Patriotic Party.

To him, the former Trade Minister and NPP presidential hopeful lost touch with the party's base and Ghanaians a long time ago.

He blamed Alan for failing to acquaint himself well with the populace saying "you have to engage; you have to talk. You have to put yourself out there".

"Ghana is an oral society...So, if you want to be President in this country and for 8 years, you don't engage any Ghanaian, you are playing it or you played it too safe. You didn't want any dirt on you. You didn't want any person to insult you; you didn't want anybody to talk about you. You played it too safe.

"What has made me Kofi Tonto today is because I sit here and speak. Our father (Alan) sat home for too long. If you say you want to be a President and lead Ghanaians, for seven years since 2007, we can count the number of times that Alan Kwadwo Kyerematen has engaged Ghanaians," he further explained.

Kofi Tonto believed Alan Kyerematen should take time to assess himself.

"Do self-introspection and ask yourself what did you also not do right?", he said on Peace FM's "Kokrokoo" show Friday morning.

Alan's Resignation

Alan Kyerematen, at a press conference on Monday, ended his relationship with the New Patriotic Party.

He accused the party of trivializing his concerns prior to, during and after its Special Delegates Congress.

Alan withdrew from the NPP November 4th presidential election saying "after having carefully analysed the results of the said elections, it is absolutely clear to me from events leading to, during and after the elections, that the Special Delegates Conference was strategically and tactically skewed in favour of one particular Aspirant", adding "the level of intimidation of varying intensity, directly and indirectly unleashed on a significant number of Delegates at various Voting Centers across the sixteen regions, is unprecedented in the history of our Party".

He added; "The fact that my Polling Agent in the North East region has suffered severe damage to his eye sight, arising from his bold and courageous effort to ensure compliance with the very rules and regulations for the conduct of the elections as approved by the Presidential Elections Committee, will forever remain a dark spot in the history of internal elections within the Party. This incident and various acts of violence and collusion, reported in other Voting Centers, are appalling, unconscionable, and despicable."

On September 25, 2023, the former Trade Minister also announced that he is no longer a member of the NPP, asserting that he is "honourably resigning with immediate effect from the NPP to contest for the high office of the President of the Republic of Ghana as an independent presidential candidate".

"...the NPP as it exists now has very little resemblance to the Party that I joined in 1992 and helped to nurture. The Party has been hijacked by a selected group of Party leaders and elders, government appointees, 'behind the curtain power brokers” and some unscrupulous Party apparatchiks", he also slammed the NPP.