This Is The Time To Show Deep Love For NPP - Fmr. Alan's Supporter Advises

Former supporter of Alan Kyerematen, Sylvester Tetteh has appealed to the rank and file of the New Patriotic Party to show deep love for the party at these times that a leader of the party has chosen to leave.

Alan Kyerematen has ended his relationship with the New Patriotic Party, declaring he will contest as independent candidate in next year's election.

"I am honourably resigning with immediate effect from the NPP to contest for the high office of the President of the Republic of Ghana as an independent presidential candidate," he said during a press conference on Monday, 25th September, 2024.

Alan Kyerematen, popularly called 'Alan Cash', revealed his new movement dubbed “Movement for Change” with the motto “Ghana Will Rise Again”.

"The brand logo for the MOVEMENT is the Monarch Butterfly, which politically symbolizes change and transformation, hope, and positivity. It also communicates strength, endurance, spirituality, and trust, which are key traits that I cherish as a Political Leader. In Akan, it is known as Afrafranto," he intimated.

Commenting during Peace FM's "Kokrokoo" show Wednesday morning, Sylvester Tetteh, the Member of Parliament for Bortianor-Ngleshie Amanfro constituency, called on the members and supporters of the NPP to solidarize and not replicate the action taken by Alan Kyerematen.

"Let us rally around the flag. If you disagree with something happening in the party, you stay in the party and talk about it and fight it and get reforms," he said, adding "I think this is the time that we must show deep love for our party and showing love to your party is showing love to your fellow krukudite".

He also advised them to uphold the position of the party not to disrespect Alan Kyerematen.

"The New Patriotic Party (NPP) acknowledges Mr. Kyerematen’s contributions to our party's growth and development over the years. We respect his decision and extend our gratitude for the services rendered to the NPP and the nation," General Secretary of the NPP, Justin Frimpong Kodua said in a statement.