Adwoa Safo, Agyeman Manu, Ofori Atta, Roads Minister, Should've Been Fired Long Time Ago - DKY

Peace FM's Sports Journalist, Dan Kweku Yeboah says Ghanaians are unhappy with the ruling NPP administration because of President Akufo-Addo's failure to "crack the whip".

Interacting with renowned journalist Kwami Sefa Kayi during the Sports segment of Peace FM's morning show 'Kokrokoo', he said Ghanaians would've "hailed" Nana Addo especially looking at his achievements. However, his inability to sack some of his Ministers has given him a bad name.

"The government is in this situation because he couldn’t crack the whip on some of his Ministers. People are angry with the ruling government because of the attitude of some of the Ministers" he said.

His comment comes on the back of Adwoa Safo's apology to his constituents.  

Adwoa Safo's apology

The Member of Parliament for Dome-Kwabenya Constituency, rendered an unreserved apology to the party, expressing remorse in a two-minute video on her Facebook page.

“I was going through a lot as a mother and as a woman. I want to take this opportunity to ask for your forgiveness for anything untoward that I have done to bring the name of the party into disrepute. As the saying goes, ‘To err is human and to forgive is divine’. I ask for your forgiveness” she said.


According to Dan Kweku Yeboah, "under normal circumstances, the NPP as a party and the government should’ve initiated Adwoa Safo’s kick out from Parliament long ago…wrong is wrong, right is right...Apologizing now is late.

He went further to mention some ministers who should’ve been fired.

"Someone like the Roads Minister should’ve been gone long time ago. The Health Minister, Finance Minister should’ve been gone already. The kind of work President Akufo-Addo has done, Ghanaians should’ve been hailing him by now but his inability to crack the whip on his ministers…" he added.

Listen to why he believes these Ministers should've been fired in the video below