2023 Bar Conference: Who Advised Akufo-Addo? - Kwesi Pratt Shocked At Prez Remarks

The Managing Editor of the Insight newspaper, Kwesi Pratt Jnr has criticized the handlers of President Akufo Addo over his comments at the recently held Bar Conference.

The President speaking at the conference described former President John Mahama as a perennial candidate for the National Democratic Congress (NDC) and criticized him for alleging that he (Akufo-Addo) had packed the courts with Judges who are members of the New Patriotic Party (NPP).

“Not only are these concepts of “NPP” and “NDC” judges new in our public discourse, but they are also extremely dangerous, and represent the most brazen attack on the independence of the judiciary,” the President said.

Kwesi Pratt speaking to this during a panel discussion on Peace FM's morning show 'Kokrokoo' questioned "Who advised the President" to make such comments.

"So that perennial candidate, where from that, where did he get that from? Who advised him? Is it somebody who wrote the speech for him or his own speech, I don't understand...that you have contested four times, and someone who has contested three times, you are saying he is a perennial candidate, so for you, what are you?"